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Rico Cabral and Jason Sullivan participate in the 2nd Annual Ron DiGravio Memorial Golf Tournament

Chris Kingston
Bundy selecting his club while Visch hits in the background

Peter Degulio
In Between meals of fire Peter likes to relax by using 9 or 10 strokes to get to the green

On Friday May 20th while the students of Mount Ida College were walking to receive their diplomas, Head Coach Rico Cabral and Assistant Jason Sullivan were participating in a select field of players for the Ron DiGravio Memorial Golf Tournament. The Tournament named after former Purdue and CFL quarterback Ron DiGravio is in its second year. Ron was a close friend of Rico Cabral's and worked with him at Marshfield High School for many many years. Along with that Ron was a partner in Rico's Swish Camp at Marshfield High, and a Regular at Championship Basketball School. This year's field included Masconomet High Head Coach Buddy O'Neil, former Bowdoin College player Dr. Dennis O'Neil, Bob Stead a guidance counselor from Dennis-Yarmouth High School and former Commisioner of the Cape Cod Baseball League, Mark Ottovianelli the Athletic Director of Taunton High School and former coach of current Mustang Matt McGaughran, Bob Vischnick the Co-Owner of Sharon Summer Hoops Camp and former Coach of Norfolk Aggie High School, Basil Cronin the longtime Sharon High Head Coach and Co-Owner of Sharon Summer Hoops Camp, the formerly missing in action head boys coach of Revere High School, Chris "Bundy" Kingston and the funniest man in america, the one and only captain america.....Peter "Glory Days" Degulio a former coach at Babson College and the unofficial entertainment director of Championship Basketball School. This cast of characters along with Coach Cabral and Sully had a fun and competitive afternoon in memory of one of the best athletes, and people to grace south eastern Massachusetts.

The man who took home the giant sized check this year was Basil "Knee" Cronin. It was a fun afternoon as Rico flashed his abundant skills in spite of his claim to dislike golf, and Sully played what is for him a great round of 107


Dennis O'Neil, and Bob Stead
The Doc and The Commish Finally make it to the green

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Mustang Time, Hoops!