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I will update this information as it becomes available to me:
If you have any information I do not have, please leave a note on the Guestbook! The directory of listed players below is compiled from speaking with high school, college, and AAU coaches along with speaking to the players themselves and their teammates.

Division One:
Doug Wiggans - East Hartford - University of Connecticut
Ryan Litke - Windsor - Sacred Heart University
Joe Trapani - Hand - University of Vermont
Destin Damachoua - Masters School - Duquesne University
Chauncey Hardy - Xavier - Sacred Heart University
Keith Cothran - Winchendon - University of Rhode Island
Dannie Powell - Cal Albert State (JC) - Central Connecticut State
Lamonte Ulmer - Notre Dame Prep - University of Rhode Island
Kyle Wright - Brewster Academy - Stony Brook University
Division Two:
Division Three:
Ryan Wilcox - Granby - Nichols College
Tyler Tuturo - Shelton - UMass Dartmouth
Shayne Blake - Naugatuck - Mount Ida College
Kevin Zabinski - Granby - W.P.I
Alan Jizri - Norwich Free Academy - Suffolk University
Brandon Fortes - Marianapolis Prep - Elms College
Joe Pitken - Glastonbury - W.P.I
Ray Culver - Tolland - W.P.I
Edwin Ortiz - East Catholic - Eastern Connecticut State
Anthony Bagley - Hamden Hall - Eastern Connecticut State
Brad Seaman - Kent School - Suffolk University
Paul Sellew - Glastonbury - Colby
Peter Skogg - Amity - Babson
Junior College:
Prep School:
Division One:
Bryan Lytle - St.Mark's - Farleigh Dickensen University
Peter Laplante - Tabor Academy - George Washington University (Walk On)
John Murray - North Quincy - University of Massachusetts (Walk On)
Dan McGeary - Northfield Mount Hermon - University of New Hampshire
Chris Donald - Catholic Memorial - Univeristy of Massachusetts
Mike Gately - St. Mark's - Columbia University
Anthony Gurley - Newton North - Wake Forest University
Corey Lowe - Newton North - Boston University
Jovan Robinson - BC High - Canisius University
Tony Searcy - F.I.T. - Stoney Brook University
Ndu Okereke - BC High - Harvard University
Sam Herrick - Duxbury - University of New Hampshire
Pat Magnerelli - Duxbury - Harvard University
Doug Miller - Winchester - Harvard University
Casey Cosgrove - Andover - Quinnipiac College
Jonathan Cruz - Central Catholic - University of Rhode Island
Jarrell Jackson - Massasoit CC - Duquesne University
Brian Rudolph - New Bedford - Providence College
Dwight Brewington - Providence College - Liberty University
Jamuel Warren - Globe Institute (JC) - University of Cincinatti
Herb Tanner - Stoneridge Prep - Fordham University
Division Two:
Cori Boston - Robert Morris University - Merrimack College
Ryan Witkos - Holyoke - Bryant University
Mohamed Adam - Bancroft - American International
Mike Barrow - Hebron Academy - Franklin Pierce College
Matt King - Cushing Academy - Assumption College
Renan Malafala - Taft - Assumption College
Anthony Thomas - Cathedral- Bryant University
Carlos Brown - Central Catholic - Merrimack College
Brandon Maeur - St. Joseph's - LeMoyne College
Chris Vetrano - UNH - St. Anselm's College
Greg Vetrano - Andover - St. Anselm's College
Jordan Berry - Masconomet - Eckerd College
Ryan Rodrigues - New Bedford - St. Michael's
Division Three:
Bobby Bailey - Bristol CC - Rhode Island College
Jude Biton - Thayer - Lasell College
Marcus Burke - Brimmer and May - Susquehanna College
Emmanuel Janvier - Blue Hills - Eastern Nazerene College
Matt Fitzgibbon - Dean College - Westfield State College
Napolean Lherrison - Thayer - Brandeis University
Andre Roberson - Wilbraham & Monson - Brandeis University
Reed Powell - University Park - Clark University
Jinzean Ball - Worcester South - Salem State
Jamaal Gray - St. Bernards - Drew University
RC Grady - St. Bernards - WPI
Sterling Brathwaite - Belmont - UMass Boston
Chris Paquin - Quabbin - Nichols College
Richie Messier - Quabbin - W.P.I.
Jerome Kirkland - Northeastern University - W.P.I.
Derek Harper - Randolph - Lasell College
Ricky Philatre - Randolph - R.P.I.
Dan Whalen - Taconic - Emmanuel College
Andrew Covington - Winchendon - Springfield College
Logan Brown - Granby - Western New England College
Chace Howland - Dartmouth - Catholic University
Matt Walker - Brockton - UMass Dartmouth
V.J. Devine - Brookline - UMass Dartmouth
Justin Pulver - Falmouth - Johnson and Wales University
Mario Montes - Blue Hills - Mount Ida College
Tim Daly - Somerset - Salve Regina
Kyle Boyd - North Attleboro - Westfield State College
Jeff Macchi - Franklin - UMass Dartmouth
Joe DiCruttalo - Franklin - Westfield State College
Marquis Victor - CCRI - Salem State College
Henry O'Loughlin - Hull - Babson College
Cole Spears - Hopedale - Babson College
Brendan Murphy - West Springfield - Lasell College
Jimmy O'Keefe - Lexington - Bates College
Bobby Langford - Holy Name - Skidmore College
Brady Bajema - Whitinsville Christian - Gordon College
Matt Fanning - Somerset - New England College
Dan Cook - Dover Sherborn - Tufts University
Ben Stehle - Newton South - Wheaton College
Rich Frazier - Carver - UMass Dartmouth
Giorgos Hologitias - Rockland - Newbury College
Josh Bouley - Falmouth - Curry College
Jamal Jackson - Rivers - Salem State
Gil Haylen - Nobles and Greenough - Colby College
Wesley LaMotta - Nantucket - Mount Ida College
Tim Cheney - Foxboro - Wentworth Institute
Mike Murphy - Holy Name - Roger Williams University
John Taubanek - Salem - Roger Williams University
Paul Kennedy - Longmeadow - Lasell College
Junior College:
Mike Noonan - Westport - Dean College
John Hegerty - Dartmouth - Dean College
Kyle Hinkle - Apponaquat - Massasoit CC
Prep School:
Sedalle Jones - Pittsfield - Notre Dame Prep
Dane Dilegrio - Lexington - Worcester Academy
Aaron Christian - Tilton - Lee Academy
Max Kerman - Watertown - Bridgton Academy
Mike Howlett - St. John's Prep - New Hampton Prep
DeShawn Gibbons - Cathedral - Brewster Academy
Kinard Dozier - Dedham - Winchendon School
Mike McDonald - Falmouth - Willston North Hampton
Division One:
Jordan Cook - Hampden - University of Maine
Marc Sacoby - Bangor - University of Maine
Bryant Barr - Falmouth - Davidson University
Carlos Strong - Deering - Boston University
Kyle Robbins - Cheverus - Vermont University
Sean Costigan - Cheverus - University of Maine
Division Two:
Jeff Manchester - Gorham - Franklin Pierce College
Tyler Emmons - Bridgton Academy - Lynn University
Division Three:
Matt Wheelock - MCI - Thomas College
Josh Jones - MCI - Thomas College
Will Clemmer - Windham - Colby Sawyer
Kris Couture - New Hampton - St. Joes (ME)
Bennett Lessard - Messalonskee - W.P.I.
Chris Coffin - Presque Isle - Husson College
Zach Bird - Washburn - Husson College
Matt McKenzie - Medomak Valley - Husson College
Doug Eichinger - Brunswick - Thomas College
Joe Geoghegan - Cape Elizabeth - Williams College
Bennie Jones - Biddeford - W.P.I.
Martin Cleveland - Deering - Husson College
Graham Whitelaw - Cheverus - Endicott College
Omar Chaar - Searsport - Maine Maritime Academy
Eric Nelson - Portland - Roger Williams
Brock Bradford - Calvary Christian - Husson College
Jon Lecznar - Poland - Wheaton College
Max Silver - Hampden - Emerson College
Zach Armstrong - Medomak Valley - University of New England
Greg Whitaker - Presque Isle - University of Southern Maine
Josh Tanguay - Gorham - UMaine Farmington
Junior College:
Prep School:
Sam Mason - York - Phillips Exeter
New Hampshire
Division One:
Ryan Callahan - Taft - Wagner University
Tyler Roache - Manchester Central - Boston College
Joe Cheslock - Dover - University of New Hampshire (Walk On)
Division Two:
Paul Chergey - Bow - Southern New Hampshire University
Chris Brickley - Northeastern University - Southern New Hampshire University
Division Three:
Rick Laughton - Oyster River - Roger Williams
Mike Chergey - Bow - Plymouth State
Brian Tracy - Manchester Central - Plymouth State
Ryan Carter - Salem - Rivier College
Joe Tardiff - Northern Essex CC - Framingham State College
Will Riley - Brewster - Suffolk University
JJ Emerson - Kennett - Wentworth Institute
Shane West - Milford - Wentworth Institute
Adrian Gross - Kingswood - Plymouth State
Junior College:
Prep School:
Joe Freameau - Central - New Hampton
Rhode Island
Division One:
Joe Mazzulla - Bishop Hendricken - West Virginia University
Brandon Gaillard - CCRI - University of Rhode Island (Walk On)
Jeff Xavier - Manhatten University - Providence College
Division Two:
John Brandt - St. Thomas More - Bentley College
Division Three:
Slader Lyell - Portsmouth - Clark University
Devon Durrante - Cranston West - Babson College
Junior College:
Pat Dame - New Hampton - CCRI
Prep School:
Jake Grimes - St. Raphael's - Wilbraham and Monson
Division One:
Division Two:
Division Three:
Jon Chaleaux - Spaulding - Colby Sawyer
Chrispatrick Cox - Spaulding - Colby Sawyer
Justin Rouleau - Spaulding - Colby Sawyer
Dylan Clark - Spaulding - Keene State
Jeff Rouleau - Spaulding - Johnson State
Ryan Darling - Hartford - Wentworth Institute
Greg Swartzenberg - Danville - University of New England
Tate O'Dell - Thetford Academy - University of New England
Timothy MacDonnell - Mount Mansfield Union - Gordon College
Brendan Cochran - Danville - University of New England
Junior College:
Prep School:
Matt Glass - Mount Mansfield - Northfield Mount Hermon
This information has been acquired through questionairres, news paper/Online articles, and word of mouth. With NCAA Division III there are no letters of intent and the posted information may turn out to be inaccurate, but IS posted to the best of my knowledge at its current posting

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